Arvind Kejriwal, who is the Chief Minister of Delhi, went to Tihar jail because his temporary release from jail ended on June 1. Before this, the Enforcement Directorate wanted him to stay in jail until the investigation was complete, but they couldn’t do that because he was already out on temporary bail.
However, when his temporary bail ended and he went back to jail voluntarily, the court agreed with the Enforcement Directorate’s request and ordered him to stay in jail until June 5.
Last month, the Supreme Court had given him temporary permission to leave jail so he could take part in campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections, even though there is an ongoing investigation about money laundering against him.
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Remanded to Judicial Custody
Recently, in Delhi, there was a legal decision regarding the city’s chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal. The Rouse Avenue court made a ruling that he must remain in judicial custody until June 5. This decision was made because there’s an investigation happening about possible money laundering related to a case involving liquor policies.
Earlier, Kejriwal had been out on bail for 21 days, but when that ended, he had to surrender himself to the authorities at Tihar Jail. Afterwards, there was a court session where he appeared before a magistrate named Sanjeev Aggarwal. This appearance happened over a video call instead of in person.
Also Read: Arvind Kejriwal Set to Return to Tihar Jail Tomorrow as Court Denies Relief
Arvind Kejriwal’s Legal Battle
Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of AAP (Aam Aadmi Party), was granted temporary freedom from custody on May 20th. However, during this time, the Enforcement Directorate, which deals with financial crimes, asked for permission to keep him in custody for another two weeks.
Kejriwal’s legal team, including his lawyers Rishikesh Kumar and Vivek Jain, objected to this request. They argued that Kejriwal’s arrest was being challenged in the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in India.
Before this, Kejriwal had asked the Supreme Court to extend his temporary freedom, but they told him to go to a lower court instead. So, Kejriwal then went to a court in Delhi and asked them to extend his temporary freedom. At the same time, he also applied for a more permanent release from custody, called regular bail.
Kejriwal’s Interim Bail Plea Disputed
The Enforcement Directorate disagreed with Kejriwal’s request for interim bail, stating that the lower court lacks the authority to alter the Supreme Court’s directive for him to surrender on June 2. They also insisted that Kejriwal must surrender before seeking interim bail.
Kejriwal, leader of AAP, had recently expressed the need for more time outside of jail to undergo various tests to rule out the possibility of a serious illness. He mentioned losing six kilograms since his March 21 imprisonment, which he believed might indicate a serious health issue.
Contrary to Kejriwal’s claim, the agency informed the court that his weight had actually increased by 1 kg and accused him of providing misleading information. They argued that Kejriwal could have undergone the tests during his previous interim bail period.
Following the agency’s arguments, the Rouse Avenue court stated that it would deliver its verdict on June 5.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q.1. Why is Arvind Kejriwal in judicial custody?
Ans. Arvind Kejriwal faces judicial custody due to an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Q.2. What happened after Kejriwal’s temporary bail ended?
Ans. Kejriwal surrendered himself to Tihar Jail voluntarily, leading to a court order for him to remain in custody until June 5.
Q.3. What were the arguments regarding Kejriwal’s interim bail plea?
Ans. The Enforcement Directorate opposed Kejriwal’s plea, stating the lower court cannot alter the Supreme Court’s directive for surrender. They also disputed his health claims.
Q.4. Why did Kejriwal request interim bail?
Ans. Kejriwal sought interim bail to undergo tests for a possible illness, citing weight loss during his imprisonment.
Q.5. What’s the significance of the Rouse Avenue court’s decision?
Ans. The court’s ruling on June 5 will determine Kejriwal’s legal status amid the ongoing investigations and bail disputes.