Renowned Ghazal artist Pankaj Udhas has sadly passed away after battling a long illness. His daughter Nayaab Udhas confirmed the news on social media. Family sources revealed that the beloved singer of “Chitthi Ayee Hai” and “Aur Ahista Kijiye Baatein” breathed his last in a Mumbai hospital at 11 am. His final rites are scheduled for Tuesday.
The music community mourns the loss of this legendary singer. Condolences flooded in as soon as the news spread on Monday afternoon, with many expressing their shock and sorrow through various social media platforms.
Pankaj Udhas Death
Pankaj Udhas, a celebrated singer with a rich musical legacy, breathed his last at the age of 72, as officially confirmed by his team at Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital on the morning of February 26. The news of his demise came after a prolonged battle with illness, during which he had been facing health challenges, ultimately passing away around 11 am.
This sad development was shared with the public by his daughter, Nayaab Udhas, through a heartfelt statement posted on Instagram, reflecting the profound grief felt by the entire Udhas family. In honor of his memory and contributions to the world of music, a funeral service has been scheduled to take place in Mumbai on Tuesday, February 27.
Pankaj Udhas’s Family Statement
Nayaab, Pankaj Udhas’ daughter, sadly announced on Instagram the passing of her father, Padmashri Pankaj Udhas, on February 26, 2024, after battling a long illness. The news prompted an outpouring of condolences from his fans, flooding the comment section with messages of support.
Pankaj Udhas passed away at 11 am in Breach Candy Hospital, with his final rites scheduled for Tuesday. He is survived by his wife, Farida Udhas, daughters Nayaab and Reva Udhas, and brothers Nirmal and Manhar Udhas, all of whom are also singers.
Pankaj Udhas’ Career
Pankaj Udhas gained fame for his soulful renditions in popular songs such as “Chitthi Aayi Hai” from the movie Naam (1986), “Chandi Jaisa Rang Hai” from Ek Hi Maqsad (1998), “Aaj Phir Tumpe” from Dayavan (1988), “Jeeye To Jeeye Kaise” from Saajan (1991), and “Chhupana Bhi Nahi Aata” from Baazigar (1993), among others.
His ghazal journey includes well-received albums like Aahat (1980) and hit tracks such as “Na Kajre Ki Dhaar,” “Aur Ahista Kijiye Baatein,” “Ek Taraf Uska Ghar,” and “Thodi Thodi Piya Karo.”
In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Pankaj Udhas shared his experience of returning to the stage after a break due to the pandemic. He admitted to feeling a lack of confidence after the long hiatus but remained committed to his practice.
When he finally performed again in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, after two years, he was overwhelmed by the support of the 6,000-strong audience, which brought tears to his eyes. It was an emotional moment for him after being away from the stage for so long.
Pankaj Udhas Death FAQs
Q.1. What was Pankaj Udhas known for in the music industry?
Ans. Pankaj Udhas was renowned for his soulful ghazals and memorable playback songs in Bollywood movies, including hits like “Chitthi Aayi Hai” and “Aur Ahista Kijiye Baatein.”
Q.2. When did Pankaj Udhas pass away and what was the cause of his death?
Ans. Udhas passed away on February 26, 2024, after battling a long illness. He breathed his last at 11 am in Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital.
Q.3. Who confirmed Pankaj Udhas’s death and how was it announced?
Ans. Udhas’s daughter, Nayaab Udhas, confirmed his passing on social media. She shared a heartfelt statement on Instagram, informing fans about her father’s demise.
Q.4. What is the schedule for Pankaj Udhas’s final rites?
Ans. The final rites for Udhas are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, following his passing on Monday morning. The funeral service is set to occur in Mumbai.
Q.5. Who are Pankaj Udhas’s surviving family members?
Ans. Udhas is survived by his wife, Farida Udhas, daughters Nayaab and Reva Udhas, and brothers Nirmal and Manhar Udhas, all of whom are also singers.