Gurucharan Singh, known for his role in “Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah,” made headlines after going missing. His father filed a missing person report when Gurucharan didn’t come home. Subsequently, Delhi police visited the TMKOC set to investigate. Recent reports indicate that Gurucharan has now returned home.
The Delhi Police had also filed a kidnapping case and launched an investigation. Upon his return, Gurucharan was questioned by the authorities.
Gurucharan Singh Returns Home
Gurucharan Singh, an actor from Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has safely returned home. Singh had been missing since April 22, 2024, but came back to Delhi on Friday.
After his return, Delhi Police questioned Singh and found out that he had embarked on a religious pilgrimage. During his time away, Singh visited various Gurudwaras in cities such as Amritsar and Ludhiana. Eventually, he decided it was time to come home.
Singh was last seen on April 22, 2024. He was supposed to fly from Delhi to Mumbai but never arrived at the airport.
His father filed a missing person report four days later, stating, “My son Gurucharan Singh, 50 years old, left for Mumbai on the morning of April 22. He went to the airport but did not reach Mumbai, nor did he return home, and his phone is unreachable. He is mentally stable, and we have been searching for him, but now he is officially missing.”
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Where Was Gurucharan Singh for Last Weeks?
According to a report by India Today, Gurucharan Singh, an actor famous for his role in the television show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, was briefly questioned by the police. During this interrogation, Singh revealed that he had decided to leave his regular life behind to embark on a spiritual journey.
In recent days, Singh visited several Gurudwaras, which are Sikh places of worship, in various cities including Amritsar and Ludhiana. Despite his initial decision to embrace a life of spirituality, he eventually felt a strong pull to return home.
Additionally, the police discovered that Singh is a follower of a sect that emphasizes meditation. He had shown a keen interest in traveling to the Himalayas, a region known for its serene and conducive environment for meditation, to deepen his spiritual practice.
Gurucharan Singh Financial Situation
Before the actor came back home, there were reports suggesting he was dealing with money problems and often relied on credit cards for transactions. It’s said he had multiple bank accounts and sometimes used one credit card to pay off another. Additionally, sources claim he withdrew INR 14,000 from an ATM.
Despite rumors of financial difficulties, the production head at Neela Films stated there were no outstanding payments to the actor. However, his father mentioned he didn’t know about his son’s financial troubles.
Gurucharan Singh Missing
Gurucharan Singh disappeared on April 22 during a trip to Delhi for his dad’s birthday. Instead of coming back to Mumbai as planned, he never showed up. His father, Hargit Singh, got worried and filed a police report. Now there’s an FIR against Gurucharan under section 365 of the Indian Penal Code. It’s been noted that he was mentally stable before he went missing.
Also Read: Gurucharan Singh, Renowned Actor from TMKOC, Reported Missing
Gurucharan Singh Returns Home FAQs
Q.1. Where was Gurucharan Singh during his disappearance?
Ans. Gurucharan embarked on a spiritual journey, visiting Gurudwaras in cities like Amritsar and Ludhiana.
Q.2. What prompted Gurucharan Singh to return home?
Ans. Despite his initial spiritual quest, Gurucharan felt compelled to return home after some time.
Q.3. Did Gurucharan Singh face financial problems?
Ans. Reports suggested financial difficulties, but the production company claimed no outstanding payments.
Q.4. What led to Gurucharan Singh’s disappearance?
Ans. Gurucharan went missing during a trip to Delhi for his father’s birthday, prompting his father to file a police report.
Q.5. Was Gurucharan Singh’s mental state stable before he disappeared?
Ans. Yes, it’s noted that Gurucharan was mentally stable before his disappearance.