4 Yoga Asanas to Boost Lung Health During Winter

Winter's cold weather can often cause coughs and chest congestion, making it important to stay active and healthy. Here are 4 yoga asanas that are especially beneficial for your lungs in winter.


This simple seated pose enhances lung health by promoting deep breathing. It boosts blood flow to the lungs, helping to prevent respiratory problems and make breathing easier.

Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom, a type of pranayama, is effective in clearing nasal passages and improving airflow. It helps reduce chest congestion and can also aid in managing asthma and wheezing.


This seated forward bend stretches the back and encourages deep, full breaths, which can expand lung capacity and improve overall respiratory health.


Also known as the Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana helps open the chest and lungs. By focusing on your breath, this pose relieves symptoms of cough and cold while strengthening lung function.