The Lok Sabha passed a bill aimed at stopping cheating, like leaking exam papers, in government recruitment tests. This bill, called the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, will move to the Rajya Sabha for approval. Once passed there, it will go to President Droupadi Murmu for final approval before becoming law.
Under this law, students who take exams honestly won’t be affected. But those who leak papers or change answers with the help of officials could face up to 10 years in jail and a fine of ₹1 crore.
Under this proposed law, any violations would be serious. Police would have the authority to take action without a warrant, and suspects could be arrested immediately. Those accused wouldn’t have the option of getting bail, and the offenses couldn’t be resolved through compromise.
The bill, introduced by junior Personnel Minister Jitendra Singh in the Lower House, aims to prevent unfair practices in public examinations. It addresses various offenses such as leaking question papers or answer keys, providing unauthorized assistance to candidates, creating fake websites for cheating or profit, and organizing fake exams or distributing counterfeit admit cards and offer letters.
Lok Sabha Passes Paper Leaks Bill
The Lok Sabha recently approved the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024, with the goal of cracking down on cheating and misconduct in government recruitment tests. This bill carries severe penalties, including a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and fines up to Rs 1 crore.
Despite opposition efforts to alter it, the Lok Sabha passed the bill as is.
The bill, introduced by Union Minister Jitendra Singh, highlights the absence of a specific law to tackle cheating and other violations in public exams.
It emphasizes the need for comprehensive legislation to tackle those who exploit weaknesses in the examination system.
This bill encompasses exams conducted by various bodies like the UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Boards, IBPS, Central Government ministries, NTA, and others notified by the Centre.
Importantly, candidates falling within the bill’s definition won’t face action under it but will remain under the jurisdiction of existing administrative provisions of the respective examination authorities.
Punishment on Paper Leaks
The bill states that anyone found guilty of unfair practices could face imprisonment for three to five years and a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh. If someone or a group engages in organized crime, such as cheating during exams, they could be imprisoned for five to ten years and fined at least Rs 1 crore.
Institutions involved in such crimes may lose their property and have to cover examination costs. The bill only allows public exams at authorized centers, and any violations are serious offenses. However, individuals can avoid punishment if they prove they were unaware of the crime and took precautions to prevent it.
Lok Sabha Passes Paper Leaks Bill FAQs
Q.1. What is the purpose of the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill?
Ans. The bill aims to crack down on cheating and misconduct in government recruitment tests by imposing severe penalties on offenders, including imprisonment of up to 10 years and fines of up to ₹1 crore.
Q.2. Who introduced the bill in the Lok Sabha, and what motivated its creation?
Ans. The bill was introduced by junior Personnel Minister Jitendra Singh in the Lok Sabha. It was motivated by the need to address the absence of specific legislation to tackle cheating and other violations in public exams.
Q.3. What types of offenses does the bill address?
Ans. The bill addresses various offenses such as leaking question papers or answer keys, providing unauthorized assistance to candidates, creating fake websites for cheating or profit, and organizing fake exams or distributing counterfeit admit cards and offer letters.
Q.4. How will the bill impact candidates who take exams honestly?
Ans. Honest candidates will not be affected by the bill passed by Lok Sabha. Only those who engage in unfair means, such as leaking exam papers or changing answers with the help of officials, will face consequences under the proposed law.
Q.5. What are the consequences for engaging in organized cheating during exams?
Ans. Individuals or groups engaged in organized cheating during exams could face imprisonment for five to ten years and fines of at least ₹1 crore. Additionally, institutions involved in such crimes may lose their property and have to cover examination costs.