According to India Today, actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are reportedly getting married on June 23 in Mumbai. Though they have kept their relationship private, their frequent public appearances and affectionate social media posts suggest a strong bond. Zaheer recently shared sweet photos of them together on Sonakshi’s birthday with the caption, “Happy Birthday Sonzzz.”
The wedding will be attended by close friends, family, and the entire cast of Heeramandi. The invitation, styled like a magazine cover, states “the rumours are true.” Guests are asked to dress formally for the ceremony, which will be held at Bastian in Mumbai.
On a recent episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show, host Kapil Sharma asked Sonakshi about her marriage plans, referencing the recent weddings of Alia Bhatt and Kiara Advani. Sonakshi humorously responded, “Jale par namak chidak rahe ho,” indicating her eagerness to get married.
Sonakshi Sinha To Get Married With Zaheer Iqbal
Actor Sonakshi Sinha is marrying fellow actor Zaheer Iqbal on June 23 in Mumbai. Though they have been together for a long time, they have kept their relationship private.
Their frequent public appearances and heartfelt social media posts have shown their close bond. Recently, Zaheer shared adorable photos of them together for Sonakshi’s birthday, captioning it, “Happy Birthday Sonzzz.”
The wedding will include close friends, family, and the entire cast of Heeramandi. The invitation, styled like a magazine cover, confirms “the rumors are true.” Guests are requested to dress formally for the celebration at Bastian in Mumbai.
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Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal Love Story
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal reportedly met through Salman Khan. Their friendship grew into love, and they are often seen together. The pair appeared together in the film “Double XL,” directed by Satram Ramani and co-starring Huma Qureshi.
Zaheer debuted in Bollywood in 2019 with the romantic drama “Notebook,” produced by Salman Khan, where he starred alongside Pranutan Bahal, the granddaughter of the legendary actress Nutan.
Regarding Zaheer Iqbal’s past relationships, he has been linked with two actresses. Initially, he dated Deeksha Seth, though their relationship was brief. Later, he was involved with Sana Saeed of “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” fame, and their photos together went viral on social media before they eventually split.
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Zaheer Addresses Dating Rumors with Sonakshi
Zaheer recently addressed the rumors about his relationship with Sonakshi, saying he no longer cares about them. He remarked, “If people want to think we’re together, that’s fine. If it makes you happy, great. If it upsets you, I’m sorry, but stop thinking about it.”
A few weeks ago, Zaheer posted a video on Instagram of the song “Tilasmi Bahein” from Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, along with a heartfelt note. He expressed his admiration, saying, “Some things are too inspiring to be just a fleeting story. This post is about something and someone that inspires me. Just look at this, it’s amazing, seriously. Just wow.” He added, “Tilasmi means magic, and magic is YOU.”
For those who don’t know, Sonakshi and Zaheer first worked together in the film Double XL and also collaborated on a song called Blockbuster. Recently, they have been seen together on several occasions and have posed for the paparazzi.
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Sonakshi Sinha To Get Married With Zaheer Iqbal FAQs
Q.1. When is Sonakshi Sinha getting married to Zaheer Iqbal?
Ans. Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are reportedly tying the knot on June 23 in Mumbai.
Q.2. Who will attend Sonakshi Sinha wedding?
Ans. Close friends, family, and the entire cast of Heeramandi are expected to attend the ceremony.
Q.3. How did Sonakshi and Zaheer meet?
Ans. Reportedly, they met through Salman Khan, and their friendship blossomed into love over time.
Q.4. What is the venue for Sonakshi Sinha wedding?
Ans. The wedding ceremony will take place at Bastian in Mumbai.
Q.5. How has Zaheer responded to dating rumors with Sonakshi?
Ans. Zaheer has stated that he no longer cares about the rumors and encouraged people to focus on what makes them happy.